Installation view (room 1/4 Dark Light, 2021)

Västra hamnen, Flying Birds (2019), installation Dark Light
Ink print 120 x 100
If you live in Malmö, the roads by dusk come to life with people from all around the world, moving vessels in their own rhythm through the darkness - a micro-cosmos within the historical city.
-Cia Kanthi
Dark Light is an artwork divided in chapters that wanders between the city streets and into my own memory gaps. I have no memories from my own birth town. The artwork Dark Light is driven from my curiosity for blackouts in stories but also the photograph itself as a medium. Both photography and history originate from a physical place. They also have the likeness that they frame something. In a story, there will always be some parts that are untold and in the photograph the viewer will only see what the camera lens lets us see, the other part of the landscape remains hidden. These framings and untold stories fascinate and frighten me.
The title Dark Light, comes from the light of daydreaming, when making dinner, putting away dishes, from the light in the process in the darkroom when ideas meet physical material, and from the outside when a free zone lights up the urban landscape. In the chapter Flying Birds the car becomes a sanctuary of sorts – which like a story moves differently, depending on where you are going. If you live in Malmö, the roads by dusk come to life with people from all around the world, moving vessels in their own rhythm through the darkness – a microcosm within the historical city. In Dark Light the memory gaps are not seen as a dead-end, instead the darkness, the silent and the unknown are something living – just waiting to be awakened.

As part of the exhibition a publication with texts by Ashik Zaman, Linda Pistol, Maj Hasager and Max Ockborn will soon be released.

The Book Keeper (Dark Light), silvergelatine print 30 x 40 cm

Sea Of Marmara (2020) Super 8 film loop.. Installation photo by Lena Bergendahl (room 3/4 Dark Light, 2021)

Chapter I Picnic by the Roadside, Kennedy Cd.Yedikule, Fatih, Istanbul (2020)
Silvergelatine print 60x50vm

Installation view (room 2/4 Dark Light, 2020)

Examples of images from the dia projection Back Mirrors (2020).

Hisham and Mahmoud, Flying Birds ( Dark Light 2020)
Silvergelatine print 50 x 60 cm

Chapter XXi : Video still from, Night Travel, sound landscape by Linda Pistol , mixed media

* Konstrecension av Christine Antaya, Sydsvenskan 2021.04

Hisham and Mahmoud, Flying Birds ( Dark Light 2020)
Silvergelatine print 50 x 60 cm
Silvergelatine print 50 x 60 cm
* If you want more documentation images, please mail me
/Best Cia Kanthi